Is it not a great feeling to have financial security so that you never have to worry about money for your needs. What would it take to get there which is within the reach of anyone with a desire to improve their financial situation. Here is an answer-Sound financial planning. Financial planning involves looking at your entire financial situation and making sure that all the pieces are working together to help to achieve chosen goal.
Financial planning approach is a firm and sensible way of achieving our financial goals be it kids’ education, care free retirement or purchasing a house. A carefully integrated Investment plan with the financial plan will not only help in optimising our financial resources but also help in achieving life goals faster.
Times Foundation in association with Spearhead FinServe (A SEBI registered investment advisor) held the Workshop on November 28th 2015 (Saturday) as a part of its financial wellness programme. The workshop helped in understanding the basic principles of Financial Planning and investing. It will also help in understanding the financial goals, creating a sound financial plan, evaluating investment options and recent trends in investing world.
The workshop was for general public particularly relevant to todays’ youth. It is a free workshop held at The Times of India Office, MG Road between 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.